Home News Philly based Math Club could give SJ elementary kids a boost

Philly based Math Club could give SJ elementary kids a boost

Philly based Math Club could give SJ elementary kids a boost
Angela McIver, a former Philadelphia School Board member, works with children enrolled in Trapezium Math Club, an educational company she founded.

It’s like that dream where you’re in math class in your underwear, and the whole class starts laughing. 

For the math averse — those who hated math as a kid and avoided careers involving numbers — that nightmare might feel like it’s playing out every day with your own kids.

Swap the classroom for your own kitchen table. While your elementary schooler looks up at you for math homework help, you’re having flashes of that math class nightmare. Luckily, you’re wearing pants. 

“We have collectively traumatized an entire country about math,” said Angela McIver, an educator and former member of the Philadelphia Board of Education. 

McIver has studied how American elementary schoolers’ math skills are taught and evaluated. Her findings, coupled with her own kids’ struggles in the subject, spurred her company Trapezium Math Club. 


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