Home News Math Hoffa Accused of Rape by Queen Kee Kee: Rapper And Singer..!!

Math Hoffa Accused of Rape by Queen Kee Kee: Rapper And Singer..!!

Math Hoffa Accused of Rape by Queen Kee Kee: Rapper And Singer..!!

Battle rapper Math Hoffa has been accused of rape by Queen KeeKee, who is also a rapper and singer.

There are people in the battle rap community who are fans of all of the big events. She has accused rapper Math Hoffa of a very serious crime. A public statement from the union leader has not yet been made.

She also wrote about it on Instagram. She wrote: “This is why I stopped going to fights. He took the fun out of it.

He is the reason my life has changed FOREVER “I did the correct thing! Because I went through the WHOLE process of getting the medical kit, the cops did their best to help, but the DA and the courts didn’t help.

Math Hoffa accused

(I wonder how this would have worked out if I were white.) I never asked or agreed. When I saw this, it broke my heart. I was also CELIBATE, and this really hurt my heart I still don’t trust him, even though I can hear him on the tape saying sorry, telling how he heard me say “stop” but didn’t, admitting that he choked me (while I was unconscious), and so on.

These words make it sound like a scary story, but this is my real life! I want him and the courts to do the right thing. He is apologizing on the radio, and this is beyond me. People who say they were raped are very serious, but in my book, that’s fine.

It was obvious that Math would deny the accusations. In a video, he played music and said he was going to go out with his girlfriend and try to move on from this.

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Math has not been charged.

When Audrey K. Service started an Instagram account to tell her story, she said that Math, a friend she thought of as one, sexually assaulted her at an event for hip-hop. She said that Math, who she thought of as one, sexually assaulted her.

“This is why I stopped going to fights. He took the fun out of it. He is the reason my life has changed FOREVER “So, she began her long speech. “He did that to me, and I didn’t even know it. My friend was supposed to be someone I could trust.”

When she was done talking, she kept going on and on, “I didn’t ask or agree to it. When I saw this, it broke my heart. I was also CELIBATE, and this really hurt my heart” She said that she has a recording of Math apologizing for it and that she has it on her phone.

 Math Hoffa's “Drink Champs” episode

With him on tape, he said that he heard me say “stop” but didn’t, that he choked me (while I was unconscious), and that he had to hold on to me even though I didn’t want to.

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In her own words, KeeKee said that she “went through the whole process” and did the “right thing,” but “the Judicial system FAILED me y’all like hell.” She likened it to a “horror story” and asked for “JUSTICE from him and the judicial system.”

The woman from Newark also talked about why she told her story. “I’m going to share this for a few reasons,” she wrote. One of them is “to get justice and have this person prosecuted and this system shut down!”

In addition, she wanted to “EMPOWER others to speak up against their attackers” and “to create a NON-PROFIT that helps people who’ve been through things like RAPE,” so she did all of this.

When she was done writing, she said, “I DID NOT DESERVE THIS NO ONE DESERVES TO BE RAPED.”

As a result, Math was interested in what people had to say about the allegation on Twitter, so he looked into it more. He didn’t believe her when she said that. The rapper’s real name is Justin Edwards, and he said that he isn’t the kind of person that KeeKee described.

Woman Accuses Math Hoffa Of Rape,

“My heart goes out to the women who have been through something like that. May God give you what you deserve! I’m not the one. Go and find one of them. I’m way too nice… That’s what I’m having “So he said.

When people kept asking him for more proof about her story, he seemed to get angry and said, “I don’t want to hear it anymore.” “You should have asked for proof. That’s what’s so weird about this whole thing!”

He said, “He said that.” “Were her hospital records with a swollen neck? The rape kit is gone. The “full” conversation isn’t where it should be. Weird things are going on.”

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He was asked why he didn’t respond through a lawyer, and he said, “I didn’t want to do that.” “I’m not going to hide! I’m not guilty! In order to get the paint off, you have to wait for the paint to dry. I don’t run for office. I’m a real person, too! You want me to be something I haven’t been.”

Some people, on the other hand, think that Math wouldn’t do what KeeKee said he would do. KeeKee’s picture was pointed out by one of the other users.

which she said she took after the alleged rape was an old one from a car accident that had nothing to do with her claims. Math once again said that she was lying “Our black women aren’t safe because other black women use their pain for their own gain. 🙁 This is sad :(“


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